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Courtesy of Steve Lyle with CDFA

CDFA’s Fertilizer Research and Education Program (FREP) is announcing four vacancies on the Fertilizer Inspection Advisory Board’s Technical Advisory Subcommittee.

This subcommittee serves as an expert scientific panel on matters concerning efficient use of fertilizing materials and irrigation water. Members assist in setting research priorities for the FREP Grant Program and review and recommend research and outreach proposals for funding.

FREP is funded through a mill assessment on the sale of fertilizing materials, and the program facilitates research, education, and demonstration projects to improve proper use of fertilizing materials and irrigation water in agriculture. The program serves researchers, growers, agricultural supply and service professionals, extension personnel, public agencies, consultants, and the public.

Subcommittee applicants must demonstrate technical, applied and scientific expertise in the fields of agronomy, soil science, plant science, irrigation, production agriculture or environmental issues related to inefficient use of fertilizers and irrigation water in California. The term of office for subcommittee members is three years, beginning January 1, 2025. Members receive no compensation but are entitled to reimbursement of necessary travel expenses in accordance with the rules of the California Department of Human Resources.

Individuals interested in being considered for appointment should complete the Prospective Member Application Packet available on the FIAB TASC webpage and email it to FREP@cdfa.ca.gov with a two-page resume or curriculum vitae. The application deadline is Wednesday, July 31, 2024.

For further information about FREP, please contact FREP staff at FREP@cdfa.ca.gov or visit http://cdfa.ca.gov/go/frep.


2024-04-01T08:30:49-07:00April 1st, 2024|

Understanding Cattle Grazing Personalities May Foster Sustainable Rangelands

Courtesy of  Emily C. Dooley  from the UC Davis News and Media Relations 

Matching Herds to Landscape Can Support Animal Growth and Ecological Needs

Not all cattle are the same when it comes to grazing. Some like to wander while others prefer to stay close to water and rest areas.

Recognizing those personality differences could help ranchers select herds that best meet grazing needs on rangelands, leading to better animal health and environmental conditions, according to a new paper from the University of California, Davis, published in the journal Applied Animal Behaviour Science.

“Cattle can actually be beneficial for the rangelands,” said lead author Maggie Creamer, who recently earned her Ph.D. in animal behavior at UC Davis. “Vegetation in rangelands actually need these kinds of disturbances like grazing.”

Ranchers can add elements to the rangeland such as water, mineral supplements and fencing to influence where cattle graze, but little research has been done on how those efforts affect individual cows. Considering personalities could save money.

“If you’re spending all this money to add a management tool in order to change the distribution of your animals, that’s a huge cost to ranchers,” said Creamer. “Thinking about other tools, or selecting certain animals with these grazing traits, might be a better way to optimize the distribution on rangeland rather than spending a bunch of money for something that may ultimately not pan out for all your animals.”

Effects of grazing

Livestock graze on an estimated 56 million acres in California, and healthy rangelands host native vegetation and animals, foster nutrient cycling and support carbon sequestration.

Uneven grazing can degrade water quality, soil health and habitats. Optimizing grazing — including the even spread of cow pies — can improve the ecosystem while also reducing fuel loads for wildfires.

To better understand individual grazing patterns, researchers went to the UC Sierra Foothill Research and Extension Center in Browns Valley and tracked 50 pregnant Angus and Hereford beef cows fitted with GPS collars.

The research

The cattle, which were tracked from June to August over two years, had access to 625 acres of grasslands and treed areas ranging in elevation from 600 to 2,028 feet. In the second year, a new watering site was added at a higher elevation.

Across the two years, the cows showed consistent and distinct grazing patterns even when water sources changed. Age and stage of pregnancy did not affect patterns, though cattle tended to clump near water and rest sites on hotter days.

The cows that ventured into higher elevations and farther from watering sites had more variability in their grazing patterns than those that stayed at lower elevations near water. That suggests it may be harder for non-wanderers to adjust to some landscapes.

“Thinking about the topography of your rangeland and your herd of cows can benefit both the animals and the sustainability of the land,” said Creamer, who next month begins work as a postdoctoral scholar in North Carolina.

Gauging personalities

Keying in on personality type may sound difficult, but the researchers also found some clues as to how to pinpoint the wanderers and homebodies. Unlike cattle at feedlots, the breeding cow population, especially on rangelands in California and other western states, live largely “wild” lives and are rarely handled, save for vaccinations and weaning.

Research due to be published later this year found that paying attention to individual cow reactions during those events can help determine personalities. The cows that appeared more passive during those handling interactions tended to be nomadic.

“We found that you can maybe predict those hill climbers if you kind of look at how they act when the veterinarian or rancher handle them,” said senior author Kristina Horback, an associate professor in the Department of Animal Science at UC Davis.

Informing practices

For ranchers, the findings could be invaluable, said Dan Macon, a livestock and natural resources Cooperative Extension advisor in Placer and Nevada counties for UC Agriculture and Natural Resources.

“Any time we can improve our understanding of cattle behavior, particularly at the individual level, it can improve how we handle livestock and manage the landscape,” he said.

Macon said that during the recent drought, it was hard to get cattle into higher country, but if ranchers could have selected the nomads, it may have saved money in terms of ranch labor and other efforts.

“If you ask a rancher who has been attentive to their cattle over many years, they know the personalities,” Macon said.

For Creamer and Horback, the research opens new doors into understanding herd behavior and dynamics, one that could be a cheaper alternative to high-tech solutions.

“Animal science tends to look overlook the mind of the animal when searching for solutions to challenges,” Horback said. “It’s always been a direct line to genetics for immunity or nutrition, but nothing about the mind of the animal. And that’s such a loss. There’s so much we can learn from behavior in the end.”

The Russell L. Rustici Rangeland and Cattle Research Endowment supported the research.

Media Resources

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Click here to read the paper.

2024-03-28T09:37:00-07:00March 28th, 2024|

Water risks to agriculture: Too little and too much

Courtesy of  UCANR

Report recommends policies, programs and tools for farm resilience

Water is among the most precious resources on the planet. Some areas don’t get enough; some get too much. And climate change is driving both of those circumstances to ever-growing extremes.

Two UC Merced experts in civil and environmental engineering took part in a recent report by the Environmental Defense Fund examining the issue and potential solutions. Associate Professor of Extension Tapan Pathak and Professor Josué Medellín-Azuara co-authored the report, “Scarcity and Excess: Tackling Water-Related Risks to Agriculture in the United States,” and wrote the section pertaining to California.

In addition to climate change, disruptive human interventions such as groundwater over-extraction, sprawling drainage networks and misaligned governance are driving up water-related agricultural costs, particularly in midwestern and western states, the researchers found.

The problem is magnified in California, which hosts the largest and the most diverse agricultural landscape in the U.S., Pathak and Medellín-Azuara wrote, with gross revenues from farms and ranches exceeding $50 billion.

“Due to the favorable Mediterranean climate, unique regional microclimate zones, a highly engineered and developed water supply system, and a close connection between producers and research and cooperative extension institutions, California’s agricultural abundance includes more than 400 commodities, some of which are produced nowhere else in the nation,” the UC Merced researchers wrote.

But the state’s varying climate and water needs pose a challenge. Though most of the precipitation falls in the northern part of California, the southern two-thirds of the state account for 85% of its water demand. And all of those crops must be watered in the summer, when there is little, if any, rainfall.

Some of the water comes from snowpack developed through winter storms and stored in reservoirs as it melts. Much of it comes from the Colorado River.

“Substantially less water is captured and stored during periods of drought, imperiling California’s water supply and putting agricultural water needs at risk,” Pathak and Medellín-Azuara wrote.

Climate change, with increasing periods of drought between excessively wet winters, magnifies that risk.

“Further, the rate of increases in the minimum temperatures in the Sierra Nevada is almost three-fold faster than maximum temperatures, resulting in potential decrease in the snowpack, earlier snowmelt, and more water in liquid form as opposed to snow,” the researchers wrote. “According to the California Department of Water Resources, by 2100, the Sierra Nevada snowpack is projected to experience a 48% to 65% decline from the historical average.”

Climate change is also expected to affect the availability of water from the Colorado River.

Climate extremes such as heat waves, drought and flooding – giving rises to increased weeds, pests and disease – are already significantly impacting agriculture and the broader economy, Pathak and Medellín-Azuara wrote.

The state’s drought from 2012 to 2016 led to about 540,000 acres of fallow farmland in 2015, costing the state’s economy $2.7 billion in gross revenue and 21,000 jobs. With the lack of precipitation, farmers increasingly pumped groundwater to irrigate crops, depleting those resources.

The report goes on to recommend policies, programs and tools be developed for agricultural resilience, including:

  • Changing land use and crop management practices to support a transition to an agriculture footprint that can be sustained by the available water supplies.
  • Increasing farmer and water manager access to important data and innovative technological tools to support their efforts.
  • Reimagining built infrastructure and better using natural infrastructure so regions are better equipped to handle weather extremes.
  • Developing policy and funding mechanisms to support mitigation and adaptation to water-related risks, avoid maladaptation and ensure food and water security.

“California’s innovative agriculture needs to rapidly adapt to more volatile water availability, climate-driven higher water demands, and regulation protecting groundwater reserves, communities and ecosystems,” Medellín-Azuara said. “The early adoption of more sustainable practices in agriculture will likely pay off dividends both in the short and long terms.”

Added Pathak, “California faces significant challenges related to climate change, but it also presents opportunities for innovations, collaborations and sustained growth. To make agriculture resilient to climate risks, we need to engage in holistic solutions that integrates environmental, social, economic and policy considerations.”

2024-03-19T10:25:04-07:00March 19th, 2024|

Congressman Valadao Secures $55 Million for Central Valley Projects

Congressman David G. Valadao (CA-22) voted in support of the first Fiscal Year 2024 (FY24) Consolidated Appropriations Act, which provides discretionary resources for six of the twelve FY24 appropriations bills. Congressman Valadao, a member of the House Appropriations Committee, secured several wins for the Central Valley in the annual spending package, including $55 million in direct funding for community improvement projects. Community Projects direct existing federal dollars back to local communities through federal grants.

“I came to Congress to deliver results for the Central Valley, and I’m proud that my work on this year’s government funding bills brings taxpayer dollars back to our community for local water storage projects, infrastructure improvements, and public safety,” said Congressman Valadao. “Importantly, this bill helps us counter the threat of foreign ownership of U.S. farmland, fully funds veterans’ health care programs, and expands efforts to combat fentanyl. This is by no means a perfect bill, but it is the result of bipartisan cooperation to reduce wasteful spending, keep our government running, and provide critical support for our communities.”

Congressman Valadao submitted several community project funding requests. The following were included in the final bill. Click here for an interactive map of the Community Project Funding requests Rep. Valadao secured for the 22nd Congressional District.

  • $6 million for the city of Delano’s Well 42 Project to create a new city well and treatment plant to provide clean and contaminant free water to residents.
  • $6 million for McFarland to repave new roads and maintain several roads that are unsafe for vehicles and pedestrians.
  • $3.5 million for Porterville to build a new regional access road.
  • $4 million for the International Agri-Center Way Extension Project in Tulare to increase safety and reduce congestion in the area.
  • $3.9 million for Tulare County’s Ave 56 Farm to Market Road Project to resurface 7.2 miles of roadway.
  • $9 million for the construction of a new homeless shelter campus in Bakersfield.
  • $2 million for a new Kings County Community Service Center that will house a food bank, emergency shelter, housing navigation center, and centralized kitchen.
  • $7.3 million for the East Lacy Corridor Improvement Project in Hanford to resurface and restripe roads to increase safety.
  • $5 million to reconstruct the infrastructure of MLK Jr. Blvd in Bakersfield to increase accessibility and economic development of the area.
  • $1.6 million for Bakersfield to construct an integrated Portable Fueling Container for the fueling of hydrogen fuel cell buses and electric vehicles.
  • $230,200 to provide much-needed upgrades to the Shafter Senior Center.
  • $1 million for the Seaborn Reservoir Project to provide new surface water supply storage and flood mitigation for the greater Tulare area.
  • $1.75 million for the city of Lindsay to replace an old main pipeline to improve water quality.
  • $3.25 million for the Arvin-Edison groundwater recharge project to reduce landowner’s groundwater pumping and provide in-lieu groundwater recharge.
  • $622,000 to provide critical 911 dispatch equipment for the Wasco Police Department Dispatch Center to increase public safety for Wasco citizens.


Community Project Funding requests bring certain projects, which are already eligible, to the front of the line for federal grant funding. When the funding is approved through the annual appropriations process, these organizations or local governments must still submit their grant application. This money is already being appropriated to various accounts, and through Community Project Funding, Rep. Valadao is able to direct these available dollars back to his district. If Rep. Valadao did not submit these requests, the Biden administration and bureaucrats at departments would be making the decisions about where this money would go. Members of Congress know their communities better than department employees in DC, and have a better understanding of which projects would be most beneficial to their communities.

2024-03-07T08:07:59-08:00March 7th, 2024|

Greg Johnson of Far West Rice Elected as President of California Farm Water Coalition

Courtesy of the California Farm Water Coalition

The California Farm Water Coalition is proud to announce the election of Greg Johnson as its president. Johnson is the owner of Far West Rice in the Sacramento Valley town of Durham. He succeeds Bill Diedrich, a San Joaquin Valley farmer who served as the organization’s president for the past eight years. 


Johnson brings a wealth of experience in water management and agricultural advocacy to his new role, and the board is confident in his ability to champion the interests of California farmers and advance the Coalition’s mission of promoting efficient water use and stewardship.


“I am deeply honored to serve as the president of the California Farm Water Coalition,” said Johnson. “I look forward to working with our members and stakeholders to ensure that California agriculture has access to the water resources it needs to thrive.”


In addition to Johnson’s election, the Coalition is pleased to announce the following individuals elected to its leadership team:


Gina Dockstader, an Imperial Valley farmer from Calipatria, has been elected Vice President of the organization. Dockstader brings a strong commitment to agriculture as a member of the Imperial Irrigation District Board of Directors and a deep understanding of water issues in California and in the Colorado River Basin.


Wayne Western, of Hammonds Ranch in Fresno County, has been elected Secretary/Treasurer of the board. Western’s expertise as a diversified farm manager and outspoken advocate for agriculture is invaluable to the Coalition as it continues its work to promote irrigated agriculture. He understands and supports the need for abundant and dependable water supplies for farmers throughout the state.


“We are fortunate to have Gina Dockstader and Wayne Western join our leadership team,” said Johnson. “Their dedication and expertise will be instrumental in guiding our efforts to advocate for the interests of California farmers.”


Additionally, the California Farm Water Coalition welcomes two new board members:


Brett Lauppe, representing CoBank, brings extensive experience in agricultural finance and rural improvements to the board.


Jeff Sutton, of the Tehama-Colusa Canal Authority, brings a wealth of knowledge in water infrastructure, water policy, and water law to the board.


“We are excited to welcome Brett Lauppe and Jeff Sutton to the board,” said Johnson. “Their diverse backgrounds and perspectives will enhance our ability to address the complex challenges facing California’s farm water users.”


Returning directors who were elected to new 3-year terms, include Peter Nelson of the Coachella Valley Water District, Mark McKean from Kings River Conservation District, and Diana Westmoreland representing California Women for Agriculture.


The California Farm Water Coalition is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating the public about the connection between farm water and our food supply as well as the importance of farming to the state’s economy and quality of life.


For more information about the California Farm Water Coalition and its leadership team, please visit www.farmwater.org

2024-02-29T15:01:15-08:00February 29th, 2024|

California Citrus Mutual to Host 2024 Citrus Showcase Thursday, March 14

Courtesy of California Citrus Mutual 

California Citrus Mutual (CCM) will host the 2024 Citrus Showcase on Thursday, March 14, at the Visalia Convention Center in Visalia, CA. The event will feature informational workshops and continuing education (CE) unit-approved courses, a tradeshow, and an industry luncheon with keynote speaker California Department of Food and Agriculture Secretary Karen Ross.

“We are extremely pleased to have a speaker of Secretary Ross’ caliber for this year’s Citrus Showcase,” says CCM President and CEO Casey Creamer. “Ross will provide a unique perspective on the state of California agriculture and its perception in Sacramento.”

Citrus Showcase will also offer a number of continuing education courses including:

  • Perspectives on California Citrus IPM
  • The Superiority of Bacillic Acid Materials
  • What we Know about Lemon Pitting
  • Regulatory Perspective on HLB and Fruit Fly
  • Pest Management Updates from the CRB Core IPM Program
  • Personal Protection Equipment Update

Other speakers and presentations of note include a Citrus Market Analysis with Rabobank Vice President and Senior Analyst David Magana, a Conversation with CCM leadership, including Chairman Jared Plumlee and several committee chairs, and a presentation on Management vs. Leadership with Abby Taylor-Silva, Executive Vice President of the California Agricultural Leadership Foundation.

CCM is hosting Citrus Showcase in partnership with JCS Marketing Inc. This partnership allows CCM to give the industry a higher level of content and deliver an expanded agenda to educate the citrus industry on critical topics that will help growers make informed business decisions.

The Citrus Showcase is open to the public and free to attend other than the industry luncheon, which requires advance registration. CCM invites growers and allied agricultural industry members to join them in a day of education, networking, and industry comradery. For more information and to register, go to myaglife.com/events-citrus-mutual/

2024-02-26T08:48:34-08:00February 26th, 2024|

North San Joaquin Valley, California Issued ‘AA’ BDO Zone Rating for Tree Nut Biomass

Courtesy of the Almond Board of California

BEAM Circular, the Almond Board of California, Stanislaus County and Ecostrat are pleased to announce the issue of a rare ‘AA’ rating to the North San Joaquin Valley Bioeconomy Development Opportunity Zone centered in Modesto, CA, North America’s first BDO Zone rating for Orchard Biomass, Nut Tree Shells and Almond Hulls.

The North San Joaquin Valley BDO Zone investment grade rating denotes ‘very high quality’ feedstock supply chains and infrastructure. The region exhibits a longstanding industry supported by 6,300 nut tree growers and suppliers along with a robust network of processors and separators of nuts from shells and hulls in concentrated locations. Decreasing local demand for local biomass along with significant quantities of feedstock currently available for the cost of transportation create ideal conditions for large-scale bio-project development. Significant infrastructure advantages include flexible zoning, access to natural gas, rail connectivity, and proximity to an extensive highway system.

“The ‘AA’ rating for the North San Joaquin Valley’s BDO Zone is a testament to our region’s unique positioning for global leadership in the bioeconomy,” stated Karen Warner, CEO of BEAM Circular. “Local communities here are proactively investing in the infrastructure, partnerships, and innovation that will allow us to grow world-class bioindustrial manufacturing facilities in the heart of the most productive agricultural state in America. This region is ready to support and scale the future of sustainable bioproduction.”

“Almond biomass is uniquely concentrated with well established transport systems. With this rating and the research investments made by the almond industry, we stand ready to partner with companies in bio-based industries,” said Josette Lewis, Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer of the Almond Board of California.

“Rated for over a million tons of underutilized project-available feedstock, this first ‘AA’ BDO Zone rating for tree nut biomass underscores the high level of regional readiness for biomanufacturing within the North San Joaquin Valley,” said Jordan Solomon, Chairman of the BDO Zone Initiative. “The zone offers very low-risk supply chains and is positioned as a prime target for top-tier and innovative bio-based projects. The collaborative efforts of organizations dedicated to realizing this BDO Zone highlight the region’s visionary approach and the bold stance it takes in the global bioeconomy.”

“Stanislaus County is proud to be investing in the growth of our region’s bioproduction leadership,” said Mani Grewal, Chairman of the Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors. “We are building upon our historic strengths in agriculture and manufacturing to grow the bio-based industries of the future. We welcome collaboration with new projects that create quality jobs and advance the economic vitality of our community.”

To see the full BDO Zone Rating for North San Joaquin Valley please click here, or visit www.bdozone.org.

BDO Zone Business Contacts:

Guangwei Huang,

Associate Director for Food Research & Technology

Almond Board of California



Matthew Godinez
Community Engagement Director
BEAM Circular
(209) 241 0562

About the North San Joaquin Valley

The North San Joaquin Valley (NSJV) is the ideal location for scaling globally competitive biomanufacturing. The NSJV is a tri-county region of 1.6 million people consisting of Merced, San Joaquin, and Stanislaus Counties, located in the heart of the most productive agricultural land in the United States. A global leader in large-scale agricultural production and food processing, the region’s combination of existing manufacturing infrastructure and abundant biomass feedstocks are unparalleled. The NSJV’s proximity to the San Francisco Bay Area and regional centers of technology innovation gives it access to world-class biotechnology and advanced manufacturing innovation.

About BEAM Circular

BEAM Circular is building a vibrant regional ecosystem for the circular bioeconomy in California’s agricultural heartland. Anchored in the North San Joaquin Valley, the non-profit organization facilitates public-private collaboration through the BioEconomy, Agriculture, & Manufacturing (BEAM) Initiative to scale the most promising innovations in bioindustrial manufacturing and to advance solutions that support economic and environmental outcomes for local communities.

For more information about BEAM Circular, visit www.beamcircular.org. The BDO Zone Local Development Leader (LDL) is Matthew Godinez, Community Engagement Director (matthew@beamcircular.org).

About the Almond Board of California

California almonds make life better by what we grow and how we grow. The Almond Board of California promotes natural, wholesome and quality almonds through leadership in strategic market development, innovative research, and accelerated adoption of industry best practices on behalf of the more than 7,600 almond farmers and processors in California, most of whom are multi-generational family operations. Established in 1950 and based in Modesto, California, the Almond Board of California is a non-profit organization that administers a grower-enacted Federal Marketing Order under the supervision of the United States Department of Agriculture.

For more information about the Almond Board of California, visit www.almonds.com or contact Guangwei Huang, ABC Associate Director for Food Research & Technology (ghuang@almondboard.com).

About Stanislaus County

Stanislaus County is located in the heart of the San Joaquin Valley, the geographical center of California. The county, with an economy and heritage deeply rooted in the agricultural sector, is quickly becoming one of the fastest growing regions of the state and a center of bioindustrial innovation. The bioindustrial manufacturing sector was identified as a strategic priority industry in the Stanislaus 2030 Investment Blueprint, and Stanislaus County provided seed funding to launch the BioEconomy, Agriculture, & Manufacturing (BEAM) Initiative in January 2023.

For more information about Stanislaus County, please contact Sonya Severo, Public Relations & Communications Director (severos@stancounty.com).

About The BDO Zone Initiative

The BDO Zone Initiative certifies regional readiness for bio-based manufacturing, creates global connections with project developers, and ignites an influx of clean energy opportunities.

A BDO Zone rating is an internationally recognized standards-based technical risk assessment of biomass feedstock, supply chain, and infrastructure risk with respect to the development potential of new biofuel, renewable chemical, biogas, and bioproduct plants. Investment grade ratings attract new bio-based manufacturing plants to the areas where they are most likely to succeed– and create jobs.

For more information on the BDO Zone Initiative, please contact info@bdozone.org. To view all current and upcoming BDO Zone designations, visit www.bdozone.org or check out the BDO Zone LinkedIn page for all news and updates.

About Ecostrat

Ecostrat is the North American Leader in supplying biomass due diligence for biofuels, renewable chemicals, biogas, and bio-product project development and finance. Ecostrat led the USDOE/BETO funded project to develop the new investment Standards and Ratings for Biomass Supply Chain Risk

which were subsequently used in the development of the CSA W209:21 Biomass supply chain risk National Standard of Canada.

Ecostrat’s Advisory Group combines the BSCR Standards with powerful predictive analytics to understand and minimize supply chain risk. It’s Biomass Supply Group has 25 years of experience in sourcing and supplying more than 5 million tons of biomass feedstock for bioenergy, biofuel, and biochemical projects across North America.

Jordan Solomon is Chairman of the BDO Zone Initiative and President of Ecostrat. He can be reached at jordan.solomon@ecostrat.com. For more information about Ecostrat, visit the company’s website at www.ecostrat.com or check out the Ecostrat LinkedIn page for all news and updates.

2024-02-21T07:52:29-08:00February 21st, 2024|

CDFA Accepting Applications For 2023-24 CA Farm To School Grant Program

Courtesy of the CDFA News

The California Department of Food and Agriculture Office of Farm to Fork (CDFA-F2F) is accepting applications for the 2023-24 California Farm to School Incubator Grant Program, until 5 p.m. PDT April 4, 2024.

The program will award competitive grants to support projects that cultivate equity, nurture students, build climate resilience, and create scalable and sustainable change.

To support a systems approach to advancing farm to school throughout the state, the program offers four funding tracks:
• Track 1: The California Farm to School TK-12 Procurement and Education Grant
• Track 2: The California Farm to School Technical Assistance (TA) Grant
• Track 3: The California Farm to Early Care and Education (ECE) Grant
• Track 4: The California Farm to School Producer Grant

Visit the California Farm to School Incubator Grant Program webpage to view the formal request for applications, access the online portal through which applications must be submitted, and register for informational webinars.

The California Budget Acts of 2021 and 2022 made appropriations for the 2023-24 California Farm to School Incubator Grant Program. CDFA will make a total of up-to $52.8 million available via the four funding tracks outlined above. The amount of funds awarded in each funding track will depend on the number of competitive applications received in each funding track.

For assistance and questions related to the Farm to School Incubator Grant Program process, please email cafarmtoschool@cdfa.ca.gov.

2024-02-14T07:45:19-08:00February 14th, 2024|

What Are Atmospheric Rivers and How Can I Capitalize On All This Rainfall?

Courtesy of UCANR

The 2024 rainy season in Southern California has intensified, with recent storms causing significant damage and life-threatening flooding. Daniel Swain, a dedicated UCLA researcher specializing in the analysis of evolving weather patterns influenced by climate change, warned of “bomb cyclone” conditions driven by air current anomalies off the West Coast. His detailed insights, outlined in a February 3rd blog post on Weather West, sheds light on recent weather events.

Despite the apprehension surrounding these storms, it’s crucial to acknowledge the vital role atmospheric rivers play in replenishing water supplies in western states. The current situation marks a stark contrast for Californians, who only a few years ago grappled with historic drought conditions. Are you curious how much rain fell in your area? You can track rainfall totals through the Ventura County Watershed Protection District rainfall map. Click on the boxes and see how much rain fell in the last day, week or season.

Those residing in low-lying areas or flood-prone regions can acquire free sandbags to safeguard their properties during future rain events. On a positive note, excess rainfall presents an opportune time to invest in rain barrels and rain-harvesting systems. Rainwater harvesting, a time-tested practice dating back to ancient times, is experiencing a resurgence. On a large scale, the Freeman Diversion redirects water from the Santa Clara River during storms to spreading basins for groundwater recharge.

For the homeowner, installing rain barrels is a straightforward process, with ample online resources such as books and videos. “Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond,” by Brad Lancaster, stands out as a go-to guide. Additionally, the creation of rain gardens can facilitate the capture of water in the soil. This natural process allows plants and microorganisms to break down organic compounds and filter out pollutants commonly found in urban stormwater runoff.

Explore discounted rain barrels and other water conservation devices offered by local municipalities.

2024-02-13T09:21:53-08:00February 13th, 2024|

Almond Board of California Announces 2024 Elections

Courtesy of the Almond Board of California 

Elections for the Almond Board of California (ABC) Board of Directors will launch for the 2024-2025 crop year on Friday, Feb. 9 with the call to all candidates to file their petitions or declarations of candidacy by April 1, 2024.

The industry will choose people to hold two independent grower positions and two independent handler positions on the ABC Board of Directors in voting that starts April 22 and ends May 23. Alternate seats for those spots are also open.

To be considered for an independent grower or alternate seat, candidates must be a current grower and must submit a petition signed by at least 15 independent almond growers (as verified by ABC). Independent handler and alternate candidates must declare their intention in writing to ABC.

All details, documents, open positions, the election timeline and deadlines, and frequently asked questions can be found at Almonds.com/Elections. All petitions and declarations must state the position for which the candidate is running and be sent to abcbodelections@almondboard.com or printed and mailed to ABC, 1150 Ninth St., Suite 1500, Modesto, CA 95354. The deadline for all filings is April 1. Potential candidates who’d like more information can contact ABC at abcbodelections@almondboard.com.

“The ABC Board of Directors is tremendously important to the success of our industry,” said ABC President and CEO Clarice Turner. “More than 7,600 growers and 100 handlers count on them to guide the work of the Almond Board and to help the industry navigate these complicated times and work toward a positive future.”

The ABC board sets policy and recommends budgets in major areas, including marketing, production research, public relations and advertising, nutrition research, statistical reporting, quality control and food safety.

Getting involved provides an opportunity to help shape the future of the almond industry and to help guide ABC in its mission to promote California almonds to domestic and international audiences through marketing efforts, funding and promoting studies about almonds’ health benefits, and ensuring best-of-class agricultural practices and food safety.

ABC encourages eligible women, minorities and people with disabilities to consider running for a position on the Board of Directors to reflect the diversity of the industry it serves.

2024-02-08T10:40:51-08:00February 8th, 2024|
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