TCFB Scholarship Deadline, is Coming Up Soon! March 1st is the Deadline
This year, the Tulare County Farm Bureau will present Tulare County students with more than $18,000 in college scholarships. Applications for 2020 scholarships must be postmarked by March 1. Or physically received in the office by 5pm on Monday, March 2. (With March 1 falling on a Sunday, we will take them at the office on Monday).
The Tulare County Farm Bureau Education and Scholarship fund annually awards scholarships in a variety of categories. Some are directed to qualified applicants according to the wishes of those who provided the funds; others go to those seeking careers in agriculture; two are given to students whose parent(s) are a farm employee and others are simply based on merit.
Students will be publicly recognized for their achievements at Tulare County Farm Bureau’s annual meeting on May 5.
To apply, students must complete and return an application; submit two letters of recommendation; submit school transcripts and attend school currently or have graduated from a school in Tulare County to be eligible. Applications and a complete list of available scholarships can be found by visiting
Completed scholarship application and all required material must be sent to Tulare County Farm Bureau Scholarship Fund, P.O. Box 748, Visalia, CA 93279. Applications must be postmarked by March 1st. For more information about TCFB scholarships, visit, email or call 732-8301.