California Farmland Trust to Host Event to Slow Pace of Farmland Loss to Development
California Farmland Trust (CFT) will be hosting the inaugural Race to Slow the Pace run at Bokisch Vineyards on Sunday, Sept. 19, 2021. This live (virtual optional) 5K fundraiser aims to connect people with nature, the environment and the family farms that feed them. The run will foster a connection to the land and the importance of slowing the pace of development to protect valuable farmland.
“We believe in connecting people with the land that feeds our families and the Race to Slow the Pace is a fun, healthy opportunity to take in the climate resilient environment that farmland provides,” shared Charlotte Mitchell, executive director at California Farmland Trust. “When we were brainstorming locations, Bokisch Vineyards was an obvious fit. Markus and Liz have a true appreciation for the land and have championed our mission. Not to mention, the course offers breath-taking views and opportunities to learn what makes Bokisch Vineyards unique.”
Race to Slow the Pace runners will weave through the scenic Bokisch Vineyards, kicking-off where the winery meets the vineyard, continuing through the property on a maintained terrain, taking in the vines and the habitat, and eventually crossing the finish line at Bokisch’s infamous oak tree picnic area. Runners and registered guests will be served a paella lunch and celebrate with awards and Bokisch wine.
“We’re honored to host the inaugural Race to Slow the Pace benefitting California Farmland Trust,” shared Markus and Liz Bokisch. “It’s been our mission to leave the land better than we found it, for our children and our children’s children, while also teaching and inspiring others towards that cause. We look forward to having trained runners, casual joggers, wine enthusiasts, and those that simply love the land, visit our vineyard.”
For event information visit To learn more about Bokisch Vineyards visit