White Paper Should Be Big in Promoting Almond Consumption

By Patrick Cavanaugh, Ag Information Network

Making sure people know about the nutritious levels of almonds. Elena Hembler is the Associate Director of Nutrition Research at the Almond Board of California. She oversees the nutrition research program. She noted there is now a consensus statement on how essential almonds are for our health.

“And those consensus statements have been drafted. Nutrition experts drafted them into a White Paper recently accepted in a peer-reviewed journal,” noted Hembler.

Having this publication from this group of influential experts gives a third-party endorsement to almond research, which validates all of the findings, providing the research with so much more credibility.

We’re excited about this paper and plan to disseminate it to audiences worldwide, including consumers, health professionals, and food professionals. Also, we will target public health and policy medicine audiences as well to get this information into the hands of the people who are forming the nutrition guidelines and creating nutrition programs for people who want to improve public health.

Spanning two decades, almonds have over 200 peer-reviewed publications on their nutritional profile and health benefits. Research from top scientists and universities globally has uncovered that almonds may help support heart and gut health, weight management, skin health, exercise recovery, and more.