Sonoma County Dairyman Works Hard to Fix Carbon in the Soil
By Tim Hammerich, with the Ag Information Network
Sonoma County Dairyman Jarrid Bordessa has been working with his cooperative, Organic Valley, to develop a carbon farm plan. As part of that plan, he decided to restore a riparian area on his farm.
“The carbon farm plan identified the creek restoration as being the number one impact we can do to fix carbon to our soil per acre,” said Jarrid Bordessa.
“So along that restored area, they’re going to plant 600 trees and per acre that practice had the highest carbon fixing potential. Behind the obvious one when we did our carbon farm plan is applying compost to all our pastures,” Bordessa added.
“Doing it this way is the cheapest way, it gives us the most bang for the buck,” said Bordessa, adding “It actually benefits us the most.”
“The Creek restoration has other benefits as well, ” explained Bordessa.
“It’s supposed to create wildlife habitat and pollinator habitat, Bordessa added. “I think it’s just going to aesthetically look nice on our farm also.”
Bordessa received help from over 400 students, teachers, and volunteers to plant the nearly 700 trees in the area.