By California Beef Council
The California Beef Council welcomed a new executive committee for 2022, with Cindy Tews of Fresno serving as chair for the coming year. Tews comes into the role on the heels of Tom Barcellos, who provided leadership and guidance as chair during 2021.
The announcement came at the close of the CBC’s annual meeting held December 7-8 at Pismo Beach. Tews takes the reins as the CBC begins its 68th year as the country’s oldest State Beef Council. Outgoing Chair Tom Barcellos of Porterville, will continue in an ex-officio role.
Tews is the co-owner of Fresno Livestock Commission, LLC, which has long had a role in the community. It is the only livestock market in Fresno County and serves as a gathering place where information is passed about beef quality assurance and the latest in production practices. The on-site café also provides a space for visitors to talk about what is going on in the community.
“As a CBC Board member, I get to see firsthand how invaluable that one Checkoff dollar is that is deducted for each head that we sell. I’m finding that dollar grows into so much more,” Tews said.
Looking ahead, the CBC plans to invest more than $1.2 million in 2022 to promote beef, provide consumer information, engage with foodservice and retail stakeholders, educate health and nutrition influencers, and provide educational and informational resources to beef producers.
The CBC Executive Committee includes:
- Cindy Tews, chair (range)
- Steven Maxey, vice chair (packer/processor)
- Mike Williams (range)
- Frank Gambonini (dairy)
- Jarred Mello (dairy)
- Mike Sulpizio (feeder)
- Craig Finster (feeder)
- Tom Barcellos, ex officio (dairy)
The CBC also welcomed the following new members and alternates to the council:
- Lizette Cisneros, feeder alternate, Hanford
- Frank Nunes, dairy member, Tulare
- William Vanbeek, dairy member, Tipton
- Frank Mendonsa, dairy alternate, Tulare
The CBC board is comprised of 42 members and alternates, each appointed by the California Secretary of Agriculture. Both the Executive Committee and the full council represent all segments of beef production within California, including range cattle, dairy cattle, feeders, packers/processers and the general public. A full list of the council is available here.