table grape growers

Normal Volume Projected for California Table Grape Crop, Supplies into January

The California Table Grape Commission recently assessed crop volume and projected a final total of 109 million 19-pound boxes with shipments continuing into January. With 40 to 50 percent of the California table grape crop typically shipping after October 1, Kathleen Nave, president of the commission, notes that grapes are very definitely a fall and early winter fruit.

“Grapes from California are stunningly beautiful, full of flavor and phytonutrients, and are both a healthy, anytime snack and a simple, awe-inspiring ingredient,” said Nave. Suggesting that fall is the time to search out new uses and try varieties that are unfamiliar, Nave recommends checking out the extensive collection of traditional and on-trend usage ideas at

In speaking about the crop, Nave noted that in July California table grape growers thought they had the third-largest crop in history hanging in their vineyards but, recent assessments indicate the crop is in the normal range of 109 million 19-pound boxes, similar in size to the crops of 2014 through 2017.

Noting that there comes a point when retailers can offer imported grapes to their customers instead of sticking with California-grown grapes, Nave said the commission will continue working with retailers to promote the crop and will encourage them to carry California grapes into January.