Courtesy of the American Pistachio Growers 

Grant funds totaling $3.25 million will fuel marketing efforts to boost consumer demand

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service announced recently that funds were available via the Regional Agricultural Promotions Program (RAPP) to drive exports of U.S. commodities.  American Pistachio Growers is the recipient of $3.25 million dollars of federal grant funds to drive demand of pistachios worldwide.

“American Pistachio Growers is very grateful for these funds, “said Scott Fryer, Vice President of Global Marketing. “This will go a long way in our efforts to drive demand in key countries, and drive growth for the pistachio industry. We are also thankful to our growers. Because of their contributions to our organization, we can seek and apply for these grants, turning their investment into more efforts to drive demand.”

These funds, along with other federal marketing grant funds, now mark over $8 million dollars in marketing grants over the past year.  Funds for the Regional Agricultural Promotion Program can be spent over a multi-year period, at the discretion of the recipient.

American Pistachio Growers is the non-profit trade association representing more than 865 growers and member processors in California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.